Sun.Mar 17, 2024

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DMCA Copyright Infringement? The Perils of Relying on AI

Hugh Stephens Blog

Image: Shutterstock My curiosity was piqued by the email that popped up in my inbox. “DMCA Copyright Infringement Notice”. Should I open it or ignore it? I took the plunge. Immediately my sphincter puckered, and a frisson went down my spine as I read it was from one Alicia Weber, Trademark Attorney, with Nationwide Legal … Continue reading "DMCA Copyright Infringement?

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Copyright and Generative AI: Understanding Recent Chinese Court Decisions

Barry Sookman

Two recent decisions regarding copyright and generative artificial intelligence (AI) handed down by Chinese courts are notable. In one, a court found that output created using Stable Diffusion could be subject to copyright. In the other, a court found that output generated by a generative AI system could infringe the reproduction and adaptation right under Chinese copyright law.

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TTAB Grants Petition for Cancellation of VIPER SPORTS Registration for Baseball Batting Gloves

The TTABlog

The Board granted a petition for cancellation of a registration for the mark VIPER SPORTS for "“batting gloves; baseball batting gloves," finding confusion likely with the common law mark VIPER for batting gloves. The only real issues were priority and the strength of the VIPER mark. Viper Bats Inc. v. Smash It Sports Inc. , Cancellation No. 92078710 (March 8, 2024) [not precedential] (Opinion by Judge Karen S.

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The Lonely Maytag Trademark

Likelihood of Confusion

The Associate Press reports: DES MOINES, Iowa Maytag may have to change the name of a new kitchen appliances. That’s after a small business owner in New Hampshire won a trademark infringement case against the Iowa appliance maker. A federal jury in Concord, New Hampshire, has found in favor of Attrezzi Fine Kitchen Accessories. Maytag’s […] The post The Lonely Maytag Trademark appeared first on LIKELIHOOD OF CONFUSION™.

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Software Composition Analysis: The New Armor for Your Cybersecurity

Speaker: Blackberry, OSS Consultants, & Revenera

Software is complex, which makes threats to the software supply chain more real every day. 64% of organizations have been impacted by a software supply chain attack and 60% of data breaches are due to unpatched software vulnerabilities. In the U.S. alone, cyber losses totaled $10.3 billion in 2022. All of these stats beg the question, “Do you know what’s in your software?

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Amid Approval of EU AI Act, Creators Demand Stronger Protections for Rightsholders

IP Watchdog

On March 13, the European Parliament approved the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act, a major piece of legislation that lays the legal foundation of the European Union’s (EU) regulation of AI platforms. While the 459-page bill addresses some of the copyright and other intellectual property (IP) issues related to generative AI, European creator groups have called upon the EU’s parliamentary body to create more meaningful mechanisms for IP rightsholders to prevent their works from being incorporated

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Don’t call a Rule 68 judgment in an infringement case an infringement judgment

LexBlog IP

If you receive a Rule 68 judgment, be careful how you crow about it. Rule 68 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure is structured to motivate defendants to make settlement offers. It provides that At least 14 days before the date set for trial, a party defending against a claim may serve on an opposing party an offer to allow judgment on specified terms, with the costs then accrued.

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LaLiga’s Card-Sharing Piracy Fight Harmed By Misinformation & Confusion


Orders handed down by courts presiding over novel intellectual property cases routinely convey clear instructions, regardless of underlying complexity. With no room for misinterpretation, everyone knows where they stand and what the court expects of them. Such clarity can also be a plus outside court too, at least when orders are made available to the public.

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Competitive Gaming Achilles Heel: E-Doping In E-Sports

IP and Legal Filings

INTRODUCTION: We’re living in an era of evolving world of E-sports, where sports no more is limited to fields but also embracing its boundaries to inculcate Sports from Electronic media. As the industry of E-sports gains more prominence and recognition, there arises a crucial need to maintain fair competition and preservation of integrity. Provided the fact, that E-sports is gaining recognition globally couples with its inherently multidisciplinary nature of E-sports, the dynamism necessitates a

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Old bottles for "New Certan"? Bordeaux wine producer brings unsuccessful passing off claim in the Australian Federal Court

The IPKat

In the latest dispute between European and Australian wine producers , a single judge of the Federal Court of Australia has found that a Tasmanian wine producer had not passed off its "New Certan" wine as being connected or associated with the Bordeaux wine estate, Vieux Château Certan (VCC). Sniffing out new wine in old bottles. Image from Alexas_Fotos via Pixabay The French wine producer brought a claim alleging contraventions of ss 18 & 29(1)(g)-(h) of the Australian Consumer Law and the

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The Judicial Conference and Its Random Assignment “Policy”


Guest post by Professors Jonas Anderson [1] and Paul Gugliuzza [2] On Tuesday, March 12, 2024, the Judicial Conference of the United States—the self-governing body of the federal judiciary—held a press conference and issued a press release touting the Conference’s “strengthen[ing of] the policy governing random case assignment, limiting the ability of litigants to effectively choose judges in certain cases by where they file a lawsuit.

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IPO Diversity in Innovation Toolkit

Women and diverse employees have the technical skill and knowledge, yet their contributions are not patented at the same rate as those of their male counterparts.This toolkit can help organizations move the needle on achieving gender parity in innovation.