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The EU AI Act has been published

The IPKat

This Regulation ensures the free movement, cross-border, of AI-based goods and services, thus preventing Member States from imposing restrictions on the development, marketing and use of AI systems, unless explicitly authorised by this Regulation ”. It covers a wide range of areas, from health and safety to CE marking and copyright.

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Copyright and the meta-regulation of intermediary services and artificial intelligence

Kluwer Copyright Blog

Photo by Chris Spiegl on Unsplash The EU laws on digital services ( Digital Services Act – DSA ) and artificial intelligence (AI Act, cited here according to EP document P9_TA(2024)0138 of 13 March 2024) are intended to ensure safety and trustworthiness on the Internet and in dealing with AI. 34 and 35 DSA). According to Art.


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Protection of Nonfungible Tokens in Indonesia

IP and Legal Filings

As of this writing, there is no explicit regulation governing the NFT market or the way NFTs should be produced, acquired, gathered, coined, etc. The Indonesian government has examined the existence of blockchain technology cautiously, leaning more toward acceptance of the new technology than outright prohibition. Conclusion.

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Open Access Book on Negotiating History of the WCT and WPPT by Dr. R.V.V. Ayyar


In India, for example, Internet for general users arrived only in August 1995; […] email was a novelty confined to technology buffs and even such buffs knew little about the fledgling digital technologies.

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NFTs: promisingly transformational, yet fraught with IP pitfalls – Part I

Kluwer Copyright Blog

Although frequently misconstrued, this technology represents an exceptional advancement that can yield enormous revenue streams for both creators and consumers by altering the digital representation of real-world assets. UK copyright law mandates that an assignment of copyright be ‘in writing signed by or on behalf of the assignor’.

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Portugal strengthens copyright protection on the Internet

Garrigues Blog

The tension between freedom of expression and copyright protection has lately been one of the hottest topics in EU and Portuguese copyright laws. Nobody questions the fact that IP laws need to be enforced on the internet.

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AI and copyright in 2022

Kluwer Copyright Blog

Generative AI also showed its power in creating clear, sustained text in a variety of formats and styles with the launch of ChatGPT in November, generating daily interest in the news, debates over bans in schools , universities , scientific conferences and websites and speculation that the technology could be baked into Microsoft Office.

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