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Open Source AI – definition and selected legal challenges

Kluwer Copyright Blog

It covers some of the basics on open source AI focusing on its definition and legal challenges. The exact definition of what constitutes open source AI is still subject to discussion. Finally, the Open Source Initiative (OSI) is currently working on a definition for open source AI. Its “ Open Source AI Definition – draft v.

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Eighth Circuit Says a Browsewrap Might Form a Contract (and It Wasn’t Even a “Browsewrap”)–Foster v. Walmart

Technology & Marketing Law Blog

The court also created a new definition of browsewrap that further plunges online contract formation law into anarchy. * * *. If the buyers went to after they made the purchase, then the terms seek to amend an existing contract formed at the time of purchase. (I’ve This case involves Walmart gift cards.

Contracts 113

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FitBit’s Contract Formation Upheld Despite Different Ways of Linking to the TOS—Houtchens v. Google (with Bonus Contracts Quick Links)

Technology & Marketing Law Blog

Still, it seems troublesome because it ignores that some contract was formed at point of purchase, and those terms should be relevant to governing the device and possibly whether or not the service TOS is an amendment, a conflicting contract, or something else. BONUS: Additional contracts links from the past six months.

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A Thumbs-Up Emoji Costs a Canadian Seller $82,000–South West Terminal v. Achter Land

Technology & Marketing Law Blog

The court summarizes: Mr. Mickleborough had a contract drafted for Achter to sell SWT 86 metric tonnes of flax to SWT at a price of $17.00 Mr. Mickleborough applied his ink signature to the contract, then took a photo of the contract using his cell phone. per bushel (which amounts to $669.26

Contracts 138
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3 Count: ACTing Fast

Plagiarism Today

First off today, David Saleh Rauf at Edweek Market Brief reports that ACT has emerged victorious in a legal fight against their competior WIN as an appeals court has upheld a legal victory for the prominent testing organization. Have any suggestions for the 3 Count? Let me know via Twitter @plagiarismtoday.

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LifeLock Identity Theft Protection Policy May Cover Theft of Cryptocurrency Assets–Atwal v. LifeLock

Technology & Marketing Law Blog

regulated and domiciled checking, savings, money market, brokerage, or credit card Account of [the customer] held directly or indirectly by a Financial Institution and established primarily for personal, family or household purposes. New York law recognizes unjust enrichment despite the existence of a contract in “unusual” circumstances.

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The Ninth Circuit’s Broad (and Wrong) Standards for Conversion–Taylor v. Google (Guest Blog Post)

Technology & Marketing Law Blog

In so doing, they reversed the district court that had previously held that cellular device users’ data allowances under their contracts with cellular service providers did not constitute “property” subject to conversion. As such, to the extent that there is a grievance here, it should be based in contract, not in property.