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Monster wins permanent injunction against VPX in false advertising case


12, 2023) Following a large verdict for Monster on false advertising claims, this opinion discusses extensively the requirements for injunctive relief in false advertising cases. But Defendants have brought on themselves these unfortunate consequences through their false advertising.”

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copying/explicit references let Roblox proceed with dubious (c) claim; Lego should be watching


Wowwee sells a line of dolls called “My Avastars,” which plaintiffs allege were “copied directly from Roblox’s Classic Avatars.” Looking at the side by side pictures in the complaint, this is a bit hard to swallow, but the evidence of copying/references to Roblox clearly bleed over from the TM side.

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no duty to defend despite allegations of label copying; but insurers can't recoup defense costs already spent


13, 2023) Winder, a generic pharma manufacturer, sought insurance coverage for a false advertising lawsuit. Winder argued that Concordia’s complaint alleged a “personal and advertising injury” because it included allegations that Winder copied Concordia’s DONNATAL label inserts. Continental Casualty Company v.

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[Guest post] BAYC sues Ryder Ripps over unauthorized minting of NFTs

The IPKat

On 24 June 2022, BAYC sued Ryder Ripps, a conceptual artist and NFT creator for trade mark infringement, unfair competition, false advertising, cybersquatting and other cause of actions before the Central District of California. This is a U.S NFTs – still subject to “old” IP law An NFT is a non-fungible (i.e. Ether (USD 1+ million).

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Clone wars: truthful statements about cloned horses don't constitute false association


Litigation ensued, with lots of claims, including the Lanham Act claims on which I will focus, though breach of contract claims were prominent and survived a motion to dismiss. The Lanham Act claims were styled as false association, “false association with celebrity status,” false designation of origin, and false advertising.

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warranties aren't advertising b/c it's not plausible that anyone reads them before purchase


Plaintiffs sued for breach of contract under Tennessee common law and false advertising in violation of the Lanham Act. (OK, OK, I’m not a big false endorsement fan, but … isn’t this false endorsement? Plaintiffs terminated an agreement to insure Securranty Inc.’s Insert your own insurance-related pun.)

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9th Circuit courts are very committed to letting juries hear testimony about surveys


2, 2022) Before the jury verdict in favor of Monster’s false advertising claim was this opinion resolving evidentiary issues. However, they fail to show that Monster dirtied its hands to make the false advertising claims now alleged against Defendants.” Monster Energy Co. Vital Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 2022 WL 17218077, No.