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Inclusion of a lamp in a photograph: French court sheds light on incidental inclusion

The IPKat

Copyright infringement cases often provide an opportunity to explore exceptions and limitations to copyright. This time this Kat encountered a recent French case involving incidental inclusion, an optional exception/limitation to copyright under EU copyright law [ IPKat on incidental inclusion here ].

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Book review: Copyright in the street. An Oral History of Creative Processes in Street Art and Graffiti Subcultures

The IPKat

As its title suggests, this book focuses on the relationship between US copyright law and street art and graffiti. This book should not be perceived as a classic manual on the application of copyright to these art forms. Chapter 3 is entitled "Copyright within the street art and graffiti circles".

Art 56
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Copyright case law of the German Bundesgerichtshof 2015 – 2019 – Part 4 of 4: Copyright contract law and enforcement

Kluwer Copyright Blog

Parts 1 to 3 of this post (originally published in “Auteurs & Media”) summarising case law of the German Bundesgerichtshof from 2015 to 2019 are available here , here and here. Copyright contract law (Sections 31 et seqq. Right of remuneration (Sections 32 et seqq. Claims under copyright law.