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How to Protect and Trademark Your Clothing Brand

Patent Trademark Blog

How to Register IP for your Clothing Your new clothing brand may have a variety of IP to protect. Need to protect your clothing brand? Contact US patent and trademark attorney Vic Lin at 949-223-9623 or email to explore how we can register your clothing brand’s trademarks, patents and copyrights.

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Copyrightability Of Designer Clothes And Costumes

IP and Legal Filings

Introduction An artist’s ideas, be it for a renowned painting, sculpture, novel, technological design, jewelryor fashion are his own. However, many a times, we witness these designs being copied or recreated. A copyright protection is the ability of a designer to protect his original designs through the copyright laws.

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How to Copyright Product Designs and Shapes

Patent Trademark Blog

Can you copyright product designs and shapes? Copyright registrations, therefore, may help to protect the 2-dimensional artwork of a design, the 3-dimensional shape of a product or a combination of both. Can you copyright 2-dimensional design? Varsity Brands. Need copyright registrations for your product designs?

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Protecting Your Brand: How to Remove Counterfeits from Facebook


In this blog, we outline the tools you can use to protect your brand reputation and prevent consumer confusion. Trademark infringement Trademarks are distinctive elements like words, logos, phrases, designs, or symbols used to identify the origin of goods and services.

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Can a Logo Help You Get a Design Patent and Avoid Infringement?

Patent Trademark Blog

Can you include a logo in your design patent application? Let me share a strategy if you’re thinking about filing a design patent application for a new product that might be considered somewhat similar to existing products. It is possible to include a logo in your design patent application for a product.

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What Protects The Intellectual Property Created By Artists Or Designers?


As a result, intellectual property refers to creations such as innovations, industrial product designs, literary and creative works, and symbols that are later used in business. As an artist or designer, one should be aware of two forms of intellectual property (IP) rights: copyright and Industrial design. Industrial Design.

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Protecting Your Brand: How to Remove Counterfeits from eBay


By following a series of steps, you can safeguard your brand reputation and prevent consumers from being misled. Trademark infringement A trademark is a distinctive word, logo, phrase, design, or symbol used to identify the source of goods and services. Copyright infringement refers to the unauthorized use of a protected work.