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The Beijing Treaty: A step forward in the protection of related rights in audiovisual performances

Kluwer Copyright Blog

The Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances (BTAP, hereinafter the “Treaty”) came into force on 28 April 2020 in the first thirty contracting parties (the minimum number required). It was a historic milestone in the area of rights related to copyright. Key aspects of the Beijing treaty.

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Non-fungible Tokens: Commercializing Exclusive Digital Art- A Companion Piece


The sale of an NFT also includes a smart contract. Therefore, the purchaser of an NFT will only receive the underlying copyright when the smart contract accompanying the NFT expresses this. Of course, unless waived by the artist, the moral rights associated with the artistic work remain with the artist.

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Intellectual Property Rights in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Navigating Challenges and Seizing Opportunities


And IPR serves to protect the creations of the human intellect, encompassing inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, symbols, as well as names and images utilized in commercial endeavors. Another question regarding AI-generated copyright work in India is, whether AI should be given ownership of the work or not.