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Vempati Ravi Shankar – Facebook Copyright Dispute: Issues on Moral Rights and Posthumous Enforcement of Celebrity Rights


(CNR Number: KLTV010019372021) The reason for filing the suit was that certain unknown people had posted without authorisation original sound recordings created by Vempati Ravi Shankar (the plaintiff’s late husband) on the defendant’s social media platforms – Facebook and Instagram. The Right to Integrity.

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Anil Kapoor Vs Simply Life India & Ors: An Unwavering Assurance In Safeguarding Personality Rights Against Ai

IP and Legal Filings

While the Constitution does not explicitly mention personality rights, In the case of Judge K.S. Union of India [1] , established that privacy is an essential Fundamental right under Article 21 of the Constitution. Privacy is the entitlement to be free from intrusion and and is a continuation of personal freedom.

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27th Annual BTLJ-BCLT Symposium: From the DMCA to the DSA: Panel 2: Will the DSA Achieve a “Brussels Effect”?


The Global Internet and Its Workable, Bespoke, Patchwork Regulation Justin Hughes, Loyola University Los Angeles John Perry Barlow’s Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace: a full repudiation of the lack of gov’t authority or moral right to rule cyberspace. Bradford’s four examples of the Brussels Effect v.

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