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EU copyright law round up – second trimester of 2021

Kluwer Copyright Blog

This case relates to the sui generis database right and its application to the activity of search engines. and Right to Know CLG against a decision by the European Commission to not grant (free and public) access to harmonised standards adopted by the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN). CJEU judgments and AG Opinions.

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Art. 17 DSM Directive: International Application in EU cross-border scenarios – Or: Why the EU needs a faithful implementation into national law

Kluwer Copyright Blog

Article 17 Directive (EU) 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market (“DSM Directive”) is currently being implemented into national law in the EU Member States. There is some controversy as to how the right of communication to the public as mentioned in Art. Image of conolan on Pixabay.

Art 85