Keeping Abreast Of Payments Made To Your Customer
GDB Firm Blog
MARCH 13, 2019
The New York State Prompt Payment Act allows subcontractors to be informed by the owner of payments made to the prime contractor.
GDB Firm Blog
MARCH 13, 2019
The New York State Prompt Payment Act allows subcontractors to be informed by the owner of payments made to the prime contractor.
Greenspoon Marder LLP
MARCH 11, 2019
By: Sharon Urias, Esq. Unlike trademark law in the United States, there is no “use in commerce” requirement in China, which follows the “first to file” rule to establish priority among competing trademark owners. For trademark owners based in the US or other countries outside China, a domestic application for trademark registration can be filed directly with the China Trademark Office (CTMO).
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GDB Firm Blog
MARCH 11, 2019
You've served your rent demand, no payment. You've started your nonpayment proceeding, no answer. Now you're ready to ask the court to grant you a judgment of possession based on the tenant's default. Easy, right? Not really. There are a number of items on the judge's and the warrant clerk's checklist that must be satisfied first.
GDB Firm Blog
MARCH 13, 2019
As coop and condo attorneys we get more calls and emails about quality of life issues than just about anything else. Unfortunately, many people call us only after the issue has gotten severly aggravated and have nothing but their word to prove their claim. Courts will not enforce fines or more drastic action against shareholders and unit owners unless the board has the backup to prove its case.
Speaker: Blackberry, OSS Consultants, & Revenera
Software is complex, which makes threats to the software supply chain more real every day. 64% of organizations have been impacted by a software supply chain attack and 60% of data breaches are due to unpatched software vulnerabilities. In the U.S. alone, cyber losses totaled $10.3 billion in 2022. All of these stats beg the question, “Do you know what’s in your software?
GDB Firm Blog
MARCH 11, 2019
Everyone is talking about marijuana businesses. It's legal in many states, but still illegal under federal law. Governor Cuomo is pushing for New York to legalize recreational marijuana. Filing a SAR on bank customers in the marijuana business is a well-known issue. However, there is an additional question for lenders. What if your mortgage borrower rents space to a state-licensed marijuana facility?
GDB Firm Blog
MARCH 13, 2019
?No sooner had the ink dried on the judgment sentencing Paul Manafort on the second of his two federal criminal trials, then New York County District Attorney's Office announced new state fraud charges against him. Their strategy is clear: New York State law enforcement authorities are trying to protect against a potential federal pardon of Mr.
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