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How to Enforce Intellectual Property Without A Lot of Money

Patent Trademark Blog

If you don’t have at least two million dollars laying around to sue for patent infringement, this post is for you. Don’t even think about being cheap when it comes to trademark registration. So how can you enforce a registered trademark inexpensively? Affordable ways to enforce intellectual property.

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Cease-and-Desist Letter: How to Use It Effectively or Reply

Patent Trademark Blog

How can an accused infringer sue the IP owner? In declaratory judgment litigation, the positions are reversed. Normally the defendant, the accused infringer is now the plaintiff seeking a judgment declaring that they do not infringe your patent or trademark. That should not surprise anyone.

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Dewberry Group: Structuring the Firm to Avoid Trademark Liability


Respondent: Whether a district court’s discretion under the Lanham Act permits using the financial statements of “non-arms’ length” affiliates to adjust a disgorgement award against a trademark infringer, and only that infringer, when the infringer has claimed $0 in profits. ” 15 U.S.C.