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Griper’s Keyword Ads May Constitute False Advertising (Huh?)–LoanStreet v. Troia

Technology & Marketing Law Blog

.” I’ll focus on the false designation of origin claim regarding Troia’s keyword ads. Troia claimed that he did not use the LoanStreet trademark in commerce. Just referencing a trademark on the Internet does not support a trademark claim, full stop. The court displays some of the ads: Use in Commerce.

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TIL: “Texas Tamale” Is an Enforceable Trademark–Texas Tamale v. CPUSA2

Technology & Marketing Law Blog

In an April 2023 summary judgment ruling , the plaintiff established that it “possesses the legally protectable, incontestable trademarks TEXAS TAMALE and TEXAS TAMALE COMPANY.” The court said that the trademark owner had been using the trademark since 1985 and registered the trademark in 2006. ” Uh oh.

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Internal Search Results Aren’t Trademark Infringing–PEM v. Peninsula

Technology & Marketing Law Blog

This is a case involving a trademark owner and a competitive keyword advertiser. The trademark owner memorably (and ridiculously) characterized the rival as engaging in “keyword conquesting,” a term I encourage you never to use. The court already sent that trademark claim to the jury ( my blog post on that ruling ).

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rebinding books doesn't create derivative works but may be actionable under Lanham Act


Steeplechase has a copyright for the book, “Piano Book for Adult Beginners: Teach Yourself How to Play Famous Piano Songs, Read Music, Theory & Technique” and registered trademark rights in STEEPLECHASE ARTS & PRODUCTIONS for, among other things, music instruction books, including for the Piano Book. Was this literally false?

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Yet More Evidence That Keyword Advertising Lawsuits Are Stupid–Porta-Fab v. Allied Modular

Technology & Marketing Law Blog

To many trademark owners, it’s a simple decision to sue when the advertiser includes the trademark in the ad copy. So, what exactly is the trademark owner fighting for here? This is a bad ad buy by Allied, AND it’s a bad trademark enforcement decision by Porta-Fab. LoanStreet v.

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Court Denies Injunction in Competitive Keyword Ad Lawsuit–Nursing CE Central v. Colibri

Technology & Marketing Law Blog

The plaintiff has a trademark registration for the “Nursing CE Central” mark for providing continuing education for nurses. A rival, Colibri, displayed in the trademark in its Google keyword ads, but it claims it has stopped doing so after the lawsuit was filed. . ” Actual confused. “Undetermined.” Not relevant.

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The SHOP SAFE Act Is a Terrible Bill That Will Eliminate Online Marketplaces

Technology & Marketing Law Blog

Instead of protecting consumers, this bill gives trademark owners absolute control over online marketplaces by overturning Tiffany v. Because the bill makes it impossible for online marketplaces to avoid contributory trademark liability, this bill will drive most or all online marketplaces out of the industry.

Trademark 138