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Businesses Should Take Their AI Contracts Off Auto-Renew

IP Law 360

When subscribing to artificial intelligence tools — or to any technology in a highly competitive and legally thorny market — companies should push back on automatic renewal contract clauses for reasons including litigation and regulatory risk, and competition, says Chris Wlach at Huge Inc.

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Court Says “You May NOT Amend Your TOS by Posting New Terms to Your Site”–International Markets v. Thayer

Technology & Marketing Law Blog

However, usually, if plaintiffs could provide some evidence of notice that was consistent with how the original contract said it would update the terms, courts would give them the benefit of the doubt, at least at the early stages of litigation. In 2022, plaintiff sued defendant for breach of contract, among other things.

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Court Says Twitter Misused Litigation to Punish Defendants for Their Speech–X v. CCDH

Technology & Marketing Law Blog

If the case stands on appeal, Twitter will write a check to CCDH to compensate it for the litigation harms Twitter has imposed on it. In a highly technical ruling, the court rejects Twitter’s CFAA claim on a motion to dismiss and rejects Twitter’s other claims, including breach of contract, on an anti-SLAPP motion to strike.

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Poorly Executed “Sign-in-Wrap” Contract Formation Process Fails–Berman v. Freedom Financial

Technology & Marketing Law Blog

The court confirms that to ensure enforceability, consumers should (1) check the box and (2) be advised that checking the box will indicate assent to contract terms. Fluent is a marketing company that generates leads. These basic principles “apply with equal force to contracts formed online.”

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Eighth Circuit Says a Browsewrap Might Form a Contract (and It Wasn’t Even a “Browsewrap”)–Foster v. Walmart

Technology & Marketing Law Blog

The court also created a new definition of browsewrap that further plunges online contract formation law into anarchy. * * *. If the buyers went to after they made the purchase, then the terms seek to amend an existing contract formed at the time of purchase. (I’ve Zeidenberg and the 23andMe litigation.

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FitBit’s Contract Formation Upheld Despite Different Ways of Linking to the TOS—Houtchens v. Google (with Bonus Contracts Quick Links)

Technology & Marketing Law Blog

This outcome is consistent with other “Internet of Things” cases, such as the 23andMe litigation (and, in a sense, the ProCD v. BONUS: Additional contracts links from the past six months. Applying the Ninth Circuit’s Berman case , the court says Uber’s contract formation was a “browsewrap.” Zeidenberg case from way back when).

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[Guest post] Generative AI, originality, and the potential role of contract in protecting unoriginal works

The IPKat

Here’s what they write: Generative AI, originality, and the potential role of contract in protecting unoriginal works by Adrian Aronsson-Storrier and Oliver Fairhurst Artificial Kat Over the past two years the IPKat has hosted debate on the question of whether the outputs of generative AI tools are protected under copyright law.