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CDSM: French transposition Order annulled to the extent that it does not provide for ‘appropriate’ remuneration for authors

Kluwer Copyright Blog

In France, the percentage will often be between 5% and 10%, with the main basis of calculation – the retail price – being very broad; the royalty rate and basis of calculation will of course depend on the sector (music, TV, cinema, etc.) and certain specific rules. royalties is proportional.

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CDSM: French transposition on the remuneration of performers

Kluwer Copyright Blog

2021-580 of 12 May 2021 (‘transposition Order’) of the French Government implements articles 2(6) and 17 to 23 of the EU Directive 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market (‘CDSM’). Image by Pexels from Pixabay Order no. It remains to be seen how future agreements will be negotiated.