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The InfoSoc Directive and the Right to Repair: exploring the boundaries of a lesser-known copyright exception

Kluwer Copyright Blog

At least one medical device manufacturer took issue with the online library and sent iFixit a cease-and-desist letter, citing its exclusive rights under copyright to reproduce and communicate the repair information online. Citing the U.S.

Copyright 102
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Germany: Liability of hosting providers under copyright law if they have breached a duty of care – The German BGH ends mere ‘Stoererhaftung’

Kluwer Copyright Blog

Stoererhaftung’ merely provides for a cease and desist and removal obligation where a reasonable duty was breached. The plaintiff in “ uploaded II ” was a scientific publisher that held exclusive rights of making available to the public in medical books. The resulting conclusion in the BGH case law (e.g.,

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Copyright case law of the German Bundesgerichtshof 2015 – 2019 – Part 4 of 4: Copyright contract law and enforcement

Kluwer Copyright Blog

The defendant in that case had offered adapters for sale which enabled Nintendo games, that had been produced by third parties in circumvention of copy protection measures and downloaded from the internet, to be used on the Nintendo games console. Injunctive relief (Section 97(1) UrhG) and cease and desist agreements.