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TM complainant fails to sink its teeth into unrelated false advertising claims


Vampire Family Brands, LLC v. MPL Brands, Inc., Unsurprisingly, the trademark claims survive a motion to dismiss, but associated false advertising claims don’t. False advertising: Article III standing existed, but not Lanham Act standing. CV 20-9482-DMG (ASx), 2021 WL 4134841 (C.D.

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copying/explicit references let Roblox proceed with dubious (c) claim; Lego should be watching


Its TOS provide that users will not use Roblox content outside of the Roblox Platform, monetize Roblox content, or imply an association with Roblox for their businesses outside of the Roblox Platform. Defendants allegedly marketed the My Avastars dolls with a “code” that could be used in the Roblox platform.

Copying 94

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What legal lines can’t NFTs cross? The Nike v StockX lawsuit may provide answers


Nike claimed trademark dilution, pointing to StockX’s heavy use of trademarks in attracting consumers familiar with the Nike brand. With consumers attributing scams to Nike, the use of Nike’s marks on these NFTs have generated negative associations with Nike in a way that harms Nike’s reputation and immense goodwill.

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WIPIP session 4: ™ & Consumers


Mary Katherine Amerine, Reasonably Careless Consumers in TM & False Advertising How do courts treat consumers in TM and false advertising cases? False advertising uses v different framework: consider the challenged ad as a whole, including disclaimers and qualifying language. Dougies for diapers.

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Chanel reseller can't get summary judgment on whether it talked too much about Chanel


28, 2022) Chanel sued What Goes Around Comes Around (WGACA), alleging trademark infringement, false advertising, false association/endorsement, and related NY GBL claims for deceptive/unfair trade practices and false advertising. Nominative fair use factors: Also for a factfinder. second-hand.

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Top Trademark Trends of 2022

Erik K Pelton

which will determine the scope of the Lanham Act as applied to trademark infringement that occurs outside the US. The Court has also agreed to hear a patent case this term, and it will rule on a copyright fair-use case brought by the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts that was heard this fall. Queen of Christmas.

Trademark 130
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WIPIP 2022, session 1 (trademark)


A: False advertising context: FTC/state AGs. But using yellow for a saccharin packet might be false advertising, b/c it would communicate the presence of sucralose rather than saccharin. Ives introduced the idea of functional color but didn’t give us a full definition. Struggling w/where this stops.