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influencers aren't advertisers' agents, materiality can be common sense, & more in supplement case


Was this commercial advertising or promotion? Elysium argued that the website as a whole was a referral website for Tru Niagen, which advertised Tru Niagen at the top of every page. Thus, any false advertising claim would lie against Albaum, not [directly] against ChromaDex. You can find out more here: [link].

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TIL: “Texas Tamale” Is an Enforceable Trademark–Texas Tamale v. CPUSA2

Technology & Marketing Law Blog

This case hit my alerts because of its discussion about keyword advertising, but first, I have to digest how the court got there. First, the “placement” piece should be disregarded per the court’s discussion below that keyword ad buys categorically aren’t trademark infringement. ” UGH. WorkshopX Inc.

Trademark 100

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Google’s Search Disambiguation Doesn’t Create Initial Interest Confusion–Aliign v. lululemon

Technology & Marketing Law Blog

For more on this, see my expert report in the Larsen v. More Posts About Keyword Advertising. Ohio Bans Competitive Keyword Advertising by Lawyers. Want to Engage in Anti-Competitive Trademark Bullying? Amazon & More. * Do Adjacent Organic Search Results Constitute Trademark Infringement? Larson case.

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Failure to show injury dooms ROP/endorsement claim, unusually


24, 2021) A rare case finding no violation of the right of publicity or trademark law from an allegedly false endorsement based on lack of harm. Benefit to the defendant, the court says, is not itself harm to the plaintiff—see also this recent Note on trademark standing by my former student Lauren Bilow. HomeAdvisor, Inc.,

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The SHOP SAFE Act Is a Terrible Bill That Will Eliminate Online Marketplaces

Technology & Marketing Law Blog

Read literally, all advertising “allow[s] for arranging the sale or purchase of goods,” so this law potentially obligates EVERY ad-supported publisher to undertake the content moderation obligations the bill imposes on online marketplaces. ” [This is the most coveted payload for trademark owners.

Trademark 138
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A Look Back at India’s Top IP Developments of 2023


The third category lists notable developments on the legislative and policy side and includes important amendments, proposals for amendments, release of policy notes and reports etc. So, if you have strong opinions on orders/judgements that you think should’ve been included in the top 10 lists, please do share them in the comments below!

IP 124
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Artistic Expression or Crass Commercialism? Drawing the lines in Right of Publicity, Lanham Act, and Commercial Speech Cases


I’m going to talk briefly about last term’s Jack Daniels case—a trademark infringement and dilution case—as well as Elster, argued last week, in which the Justices appeared inclined to reject a First Amendment challenge to the refusal to register the claimed mark “TRUMP TOO SMALL” for t-shirts. Trademark: In Jack Daniel’s v.