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alleged misrepresentation of partnership/approval suffices for false advertising claim


8, 2023) When does TM logic creep into false advertising cases? Faire sued, challenging Tundra’s unauthorized use of Faire’s users’ login credentials to gain access to Faire’s non-public information. Tundra allegedly uses the information it scrapes from Faire’s platform, including contact information, to market its product.

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Retailer has standing to assert Lanham Act false advertising claims against its own supplier


Lynd advertised the Product as effective against the coronavirus. Ultimately, AHBP took an exclusive license to sell the product in Argentina, with purchasing and advertising/marketing spend minimums. the Lanham Act false advertising claim survived. And proximate cause?


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False advertising about a bankrupt competitor doesn't violate the automatic stay


6, 2022) The district court reverses the bankruptcy court ruling ( discussed here ) that held that false advertising had interfered with the debtor’s estate in violation of the automatic stay. The back of the advertisement said, among other things, “Windstream’s future is unknown, but Spectrum is here to stay.”

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An Antitrust Framework for False Advertising, out now


Carrier & Rebecca Tushnet, An Antitrust Framework for False Advertising , 106 Iowa L. 1841 (2021) From the introduction: Federal law presumes that false advertising harms competition. Federal law also presumes that false advertising is harmless or even helpful to competition. This makes no sense.

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Press release touting preliminary injunction can found false advertising counterclaims


ZimVie intervened and counterclaimed for declaratory judgment of invalidity, cancellation fo the color marks registration, declaratory judgment of noninfringement, false advertising under the Lanham Act and California law, and tortious interference. ZimVie responded that the commercial speech exception applied.

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Noncommercial speakers can be liable for contributory false advertising


25, 2022) I know it probably seems sometimes like I approve of every expansive use of false advertising law, but sometimes even I find an aggressive position to go too far. It is enough if a defendant provides “a necessary product or service, without which the false advertising would not be possible.”

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California Supreme Court reaffirms strict liability for false advertising in Serova


The statements were “commercial advertising meant to sell a product, and generally there ‘can be no constitutional objection to the suppression of commercial messages that do not accurately inform the public.’” The First Amendment has long coexisted with no-fault false advertising laws. citing Hustler v.