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alleged misrepresentation of partnership/approval suffices for false advertising claim


8, 2023) When does TM logic creep into false advertising cases? The screenshot was “commercial advertising or promotion.” On materiality, it sufficed to allege that brands pay for its services and Tundra’s false advertising influences brands to purchase Tundra’s services instead of Faire’s services. Tundra, Inc.,

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Retailer has standing to assert Lanham Act false advertising claims against its own supplier


SA-22-CV-00096-XR, 2022 WL 17086368 (W.D. 18, 2022) Lexmark provides standing to a purchaser because the harms it alleged are “commercial” harms. Lynd advertised the Product as effective against the coronavirus. the Lanham Act false advertising claim survived. AHBP LLC v.


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no disgorgement/fees in false advertising case even after Romag remand


Despite Romag , the court declines to award disgorgement or fees in this false advertising case. A jury found that Harbor Breeze proved all elements of liability for false advertising but awarded $0 in damages and profits. And they used the phrase “Feel the Harbor Breezes” in a pay-per-click advertisement on Google.

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False advertising about a bankrupt competitor doesn't violate the automatic stay


2022 WL 5245633, No. 6, 2022) The district court reverses the bankruptcy court ruling ( discussed here ) that held that false advertising had interfered with the debtor’s estate in violation of the automatic stay. In re Windstream Holdings, Inc., 21-CV-4552 (CS) (S.D.N.Y.

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Monster wins permanent injunction against VPX in false advertising case


12, 2023) Following a large verdict for Monster on false advertising claims, this opinion discusses extensively the requirements for injunctive relief in false advertising cases. But Defendants have brought on themselves these unfortunate consequences through their false advertising.”

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Griper’s Keyword Ads May Constitute False Advertising (Huh?)–LoanStreet v. Troia

Technology & Marketing Law Blog

Also, there should not be a “use in commerce” when the advertiser (here, Troia) doesn’t actually offer any goods or services in the marketplace. As the court says later, “it seems unlikely that an Internet user who reads defendant’s advertisements would believe that they belong to or are endorsed by plaintiffs.”

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Noncommercial speakers can be liable for contributory false advertising


Pacifici, 2022 WL 889275, No. 25, 2022) I know it probably seems sometimes like I approve of every expansive use of false advertising law, but sometimes even I find an aggressive position to go too far. ExeGi Pharma, LLC v. 1:21-CV-2134-TWT (N.D.