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"A S LIVE FOREVER" Fails-to-Function as a Service Mark for Online Retail Store Services, Says TTAB

The TTABlog

"Where the evidence suggests that the ordinary consumer would take the words at their ordinary meaning rather than read into them some special meaning distinguishing the goods and services from similar goods and services of others, then the words fail to function as a mark." Wal-Mart Stores , 2019 WL 193990, at *12.

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TTABlog Test: Is CROSSFIRST BANK & Circle Design Confusable with Banc of California's RIng Design?

The TTABlog

Banc of California petitioned to cancel a registration for the mark shown below left, on the ground of likely confusion with its registered mark shown below right, both for, inter alia , banking services. Since both parties rely on issued registrations, priority was an issue in this proceeding. Cancellation No.

Designs 64

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"GET ORDAINED" Fails to Function as a Source Indicator for Ordination-Related Services, Says TTAB

The TTABlog

129 USPQ2d 1148, 1149-50 (TTAB 2019)." Its intent that the phrase function as a service mark is irrelevant. The Board concluded that "get ordained" fails to function as a service mark for applicant's services, and so it sustained the opposition. Would you have applied for registration? Welch 2022.

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"EL CABO" Character Name in TV Show Fails to Function as a Source Indicator for Entertainment Services

The TTABlog

The Board observed that “a proposed trademark is registrable only if it functions as an identifier of the source of the applicant’s goods or services.” In re DePorter , 129 USPQ2d 1298, 1299 (TTAB 2019) (citing 15 U.S.C. §§ 1051, 1052, and 1127). In re Caracol Televisión S.A. Serial Nos. Velcro, Inc. Charles Mayer Studios, Inc.,

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TTAB Dismisses Opposition: Applicant Proved Priority Through Assignment of Common Law Mark After Proceeding Commenced

The TTABlog

Applicant UNIP (apparently owned in part by LeBron James) counterclaimed for cancellation of that registration on the ground of likelihood of confusion. Without evidence, Game Plan's claim of common law rights was baseless and so the Board considered only its registered service mark rights. Game Plan, Inc.

Law 67
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Precedential No. 29: After an Exhausting 2(d) Analysis, TTAB Finds HME (Stylized) Confusable with KME for Building Products

The TTABlog

In an exhaustive and exhausting decision, the Board sustained an opposition to registration of the mark HME in the stylized from shown below, for various types of pipes and other building products, finding confusion likely with opposer's mark KME for overlapping goods. KME Germany GmbH v. Zhejiang Hailiang Co.,

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Full Of Sound And Query, Signifying Something: Recent Noise Over Acoustic Trademarks

LexBlog IP

Here in a nutshell is the query the Court addressed: 16 Under Article 7(1)(b) of Regulation 2017/1001, trade marks which are devoid of any distinctive character shall not be registered. 1 v OHIM , C‑329/02 P, EU:C:2004:532, paragraph 23). 1 v OHIM , C‑329/02 P, EU:C:2004:532, paragraph 23). ” Ardagh at par.