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Elon Musk’s Gifts to Web Scrapers (Guest Blog Post)

Technology & Marketing Law Blog

And that, in turn, further restricts what should be in the public domain and gives companies power to create property rights where none are otherwise granted in the law. s Terms of Service (“ToS”) when it created a new account in 2019. Facebook objected and sent a cease-and-desist letter.

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Should Copyright Preemption Moot Anti-Scraping TOS Terms? (Guest Blog Post)

Technology & Marketing Law Blog

2019 WL 3555509 (D. In return for users agreeing to the TOU, Craigslist provides services to its users “including but not limited to classified advertising, forums, and email forwarding.” This observation is as true now as the day when the Ninth Circuit made it, in 2019. Robert Wood Johnson University Hosp.,

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A 512(f) Plaintiff Wins at Trial! ??–Alper Automotive v. Day to Day Imports

Technology & Marketing Law Blog

30, 2021): Plaintiff alleges that Defendants knew that Defendant Wagner did not own the copyright to the images that Plaintiff posted on its social media channels, because Wagner abandoned the copyrights when he executed the Stipulation of Settlement, which dedicated the intellectual property rights of the images to the public domain.