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maintaining ex-employees' voicemail/email doesn't violate Lanham Act or right of publicity


Pennsylvania right of publicity: Pennsylvania protects the name or likeness of any natural person that has commercial value and is used for any commercial or advertising purpose without written consent. That is, the likeness must be distributed to members of the public in a way calculated to bring in money. John Daly Enters.,

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Deliberating Colonial Policies to Understand the Causes behind Tribal Revolts in the Chota Nagpur Plateau – Part I

IP and Legal Filings

The eminent domain is the power of the sovereign to acquire property of an individual for public use without the necessity of his consent. viii] Amar Nath Jha, “Locating The Ancient History Of Santal Parganas” 70 Proceedings of the Indian History Congress 187 (2009-2010). This power is based on sovereignty of the State.