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Fonts & Typefaces: Are they Copyrightable? 


The question of copyrightability of fonts first came up for judicial consideration in 2002, before the Copyright Board in Re Anand Expanded Italics wherein the Board held that fonts are not copyrightable. Shivam is a recent graduate of the Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.

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The clash of artistic rights: Warhol, Goldsmith, and the boundaries of copyright in Brazil and in the U.S.

Kluwer Copyright Blog

In the United States, the Copyright Act outlines the concept of fair use – situations where usage does not require authorization. 6] On practice, this means that overall Brazilian Copyright Law tends to have a pro-user interpretation, whereas US Copyright Law tends to have a pro-owner interpretation. 01, out/2002, p.

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A Look Back at India’s Top IP Developments of 2023


[Delhi High Court] On September 20, the Delhi High Court granted relief to film actor Anil Kapoor against the unauthorised use of his image, name, voice, and other traits of his persona for monetary gain, reinforcing his personality rights. Setting aside the Single Judge orders in Ericsson v. CCI and Monsanto v.

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