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When is a derivative work original and thus protectable by copyright? Classicist’s critical edition makes its way to Luxembourg in fresh Romanian CJEU referral

The IPKat

In 2001, the professor published a critical edition of Demetrii principis Cantemirii. As a result, his estate launched proceedings for copyright infringement. In 2017, the Regional Court of Bucharest held that the defendants had infringed the professor’s moral right of attribution.

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Beyond the Big Screen: The Legal Odyssey of Film Titles in India

IP and Legal Filings

1] The Copyright Act protects certain types of works, which are included in Section 13. 13 (1) states that original literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works as well as cinematograph films and sound recordings are protected by copyright. ” A similar view was reiterated in “ Kanungo Media (P) Ltd.

Cinema 81